New Sister Parish Fabrics?

I was visiting the Sister Parish Design website yesterday to check on some fabric, and I was thrilled to see the new greeting (above) on the homepage. Had the Sister Parish site been revamped???

Well, not exactly, although it seems that there are new fabrics featured on the site. Perhaps I should not say "new" as these fabrics might be reissues. And I can't confirm if Sister actually designed these fabrics, or if she had simply used similar prints for some of her projects. What struck me was how different these prints are from the classic designs in the Parish line. When I think of SPD, small, graphic prints such as "Chou Chou", "Burmese", and "Desmond" come to mind. The newer patterns such as "Auchincloss" and "Waldingfield" are florals that seem more intricate and detailed. Perhaps they were added in response to the renewed interest in floral prints?

I've emailed SPD and hope to have some answers for you soon. In the meantime, what do you think of these prints below? And as many of you are so knowledgeable of design history, perhaps you can shed some light on these patterns.

The Recent Additions:

"Auchincloss" in Blue and Red

"Waldingfield" in Green and Beige

"Palmetto" in Green, Blue, and Beige

The Oldies but Goodies:

"Chou Chou" in Blue, Red, Tete de Negre, and Green

"Burmese" in Blue, Green, and Tete de Negre

"Desmond" in Green, Blue, and Tete de Negre

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