The Master of the Mix

You know how there are those shops that are so comfortable, so chic, and so livable that you're ready to start forwarding your mail there? Well, Todd Romano's shop in New York has always been like that for me. There are fabrics and wallpapers, antique furniture, porcelain and pottery, Christopher Spitzmiller lamps, and a smattering of modern art. What more do you need?

Well, I for one do need more, which is why I'm thrilled that Todd recently hung out his shingle in Los Angeles- on La Cienega Blvd. no less. Boy, are you Angelenos lucky. Todd's L.A. outpost is much like the NYC shop in terms of "the mix". Todd understands how a Louis chair positively comes alive when placed next to a mid-20th c. cocktail table or against a wall bearing some colorful Pop Art print. There is life and liveliness in that mix. But the L.A. shop has a slightly different feel to it. That New York snappiness has gone glamorous- totally appropriate in L.A., don't you think? The glamour, though, is rooted in tradition. It's in the spirit of some of Los Angeles' great tastemakers- Edie Goetz, Jean Howard, George Cukor and Jennifer Jones-although Todd has freshened it up for our 2010 eyes. It's like the perfect combination of New York sophistication, Southern/Texan graciousness (Todd hails from San Antonio), and California spirit (Todd's father comes from Santa Barbara.) Todd totally gets it.

So Todd, what will it take for you to come to Atlanta?

How fabulous is that fretwork fireplace surround? I also like the antique mirror set against the antiqued mirror. Very clever. I'd love to host a dinner party here.

I don't know which area in this space I like best.

"The mix" at work.

I love the black columns in the corners, especially against those lacquered yellowy green walls.

This is styling at its best.

Black and white, blue and white, a little brass...the perfect vignette.

(All images courtesy of Todd Romano.)

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